silver bracelet for everyday use-NEW! | HAVE YOU TALKED TO GOD ABOUT IT | JACKET


"Cast all your anxiety on Him because  He cares for you" - 1 Peter 5:7

  • Comfortable Light Weight Adult Jacket
  • Unisex fit
  • Color - ash
  • 50/50 cotton/polyester

Heart Behind Design

So many times in our lives we find our selves carrying the burdens and anxieties of this world. 

We tell our friends what we're worried about, we post on social media what is going on in our lives, we read books to help us make big decisions. Trying to find help and relief from the burdens of life.

All those are good things! But sometimes we forget that we have a Father who cares for us! 1 Peter 5:7 says "Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you."

He wants to do life with us! He wants to hear whats on your mind! He wants in on whats keeping you up at night! He's not scared of your weaknesses! He Cares!

He sent us a Helper in the Holy Spirit but cause He knew we would need help and because He wanted to help us!

We hope that in wearing this jacket bystanders will be prompted to bring their cares to God and talk to Him about who He says they are!
